The latest numbers are in, and the folks over at Anheuser-Busch may wanna look away. According to Beer Business Daily, Bud Light’s off-premise sales volume — the amount of beer sold outside of restaurants and bars — was down 26.1% from a year earlier in the week ending in April 22.
That’s even worse than the 21.1% decrease from the week prior, while Bud Light numbers are now down 8% this year.
Those above figures include sales at grocery stores, convenience stores, and liquor stores.
“The shocking deterioration of Bud Light Blue’s market share continued apace through the third week of April — and actually somehow worsened. We’ve never seen such a dramatic shift in national share in such a short period of time,” Beer Business Daily wrote on it’s website.
🚨JUST IN: Bud Light sales numbers for the week of April 22nd just dropped.
— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) May 2, 2023
Bud LIght’s off-premise sales volume–the amount of beer sold outside of restaurants and bars–was DOWN 26.1% (!!!) year over year.
This means our Bud Light boycott is the most successful in history 🇺🇸